Admin — Aug 21, 2023

The winter bugs are biting!

This week has particularly been bad with sickness - around 60 children sick each day so far!

If your child is generally unwell, it may be advantageous to keep your child home for one day, so they can get better (and have less days off in the long run).

If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea , then they MUST stay home for 48 hours after the last episode. If you suspect COVID, we have plenty of RAT tests in the office. Please call in and grab some (just to be sure).

For more health information, go to or contact the Public Health Nurse on 476 9833.

Please remember to inform the school whenever your child is absent. You can do this by leaving a message on our absence line (476 3140 press 1) or use the school app.

If we all play our part, then we can help minimise the effect of the winter bugs.