Heather Bonney — Feb 4, 2020

Our fabulous caretakers Tim and Craig were very busy in the school holidays creating a brand new learning space for our Junior Syndicate learners!

The enthusiastic Year 1 & 2 learners have loved starting their school year in a newly created learning space. The curious Juniors have had a great time exploring their new space. They have been fascinated by how a staffroom can turn into a classroom! 

Here are some of their thoughts - 

"Our new hub is cool and I love it." - Jackson

"Our Hub is fun. The whiteboard is really cool because it is really big." - Rosie

"I love it!" - Margaret

"We used to have a staffroom in here but now it is a classroom." - Ella

"School is the best!" - Mackay

"Our Hub is the best in Wakari school!" - Jacob

"The two classrooms are big" - Isla

"It's really cool." - Beth

"It's perfect for learning!" - Alex

"The lego is fun."- Edward

"The carpet looks cool." - T.J.

"There are cool colours everywhere in our Hub." - Setar