Hero video
Garden Group Cooperation
Video by Heather Bonney

What's the Latest from the Garden Groupers?

Heather Bonney —

The Garden Groupers have been making the most of the glorious weather that we have experienced over our last two sessions! 

The Garden Groupers have had two fabulous weeks in the garden!  Last week we had a great team of keen gardeners get stuck in and help clear away lots of our old corn stalks and dried up vegetable plants.  We also harvested delicious yams, tomatoes, artichoke, and the HUGEST kohlrabi we had ever seen!  We then planted some garlic and beetroot in our nutrient rich soil.

The next week we cleared away some more debris from our garden, in the video above you can see a committed team of gardeners taking a tired tomato plant to our compost, what great cooperation!

We were also able to enjoy scrumptious yams, artichoke and kohlrabi!  What a fun and yummy session!

If you would like to join us in the garden, you are more than welcome.  We meet every Tuesday (weather permitting) at lunchtime (around 12.50pm onwards).