Hero photograph
Photo by Chloe Barton

Check out our interactive ocean animal posters!

Chloe Barton —

To further their learning about 'under the sea', the Room 14 writers have been researching, writing reports and creating interactive posters all about an ocean animal of their choice.

Did you know...

The green sea turtle is cold blooded. They have 3 hearts! Sadie Y

Bottlenose dolphins are really smart. They get their name from their short, thick snout. Ella W

Jellyfish have no bones, brain or heart. The jellyfishes mouth is found in the middle of their body. Adele F

If you cut a jellyfish in half the pieces of the jellyfish will regenerate and turn into new jellyfish. Ranyah T

Octopus have 3 hearts and 9 tiny brains. They eat crabs, clams and snails. Altair H

Jellyfish can live to be over 600 years old! They are found in oceans all over the world. Pippa N

The killer whales group name is called a pod. They have 45 teeth, that's why they are called the wolves of the sea! Ashley R-S

The Green sea turtle is the largest species of turtle in the world. They are called the ocean lawnmowers. Isla C