Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Lawson

Grow your own

Anna Lawson —

In the Room 12 and 13 Hub this week, we have created our own mini vege gardens.

Our Topic for the term, is "Planning to Thrive", which incorporates a focus on healthy living, through fitness, diet and spiritual well being. As part of this topic we decided to grow our own healthy food. 

First we had to do some serious weeding, getting rid of the old rather tired looking plants in the planters out-side our class-rooms. The children got stuck in with trowels and spades to weed out the offending plants.  We then carefully planted some winter lettuces, and parsley in all of the planters. The children then took care to water our new seedlings. The children had so much fun with this project. It was a relaxing and an enjoyable activity which they will continue throughout the term. It gives the children ownership and a sense of responsibility for our Hub gardens.  Let's hope our plants also plan to thrive. The activity was not only a project to grow our own plants but add to their spiritual well-being.