Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Lawson

Celebrations in Room 16

Anna Lawson —

In Room 16 this term we have been looking at different celebrations and festivals. 

We started our exploration by looking at ANZAC day.  We made ANZAC biscuits, which were a little over done but delicious all the same.  The whole syndicate came together to celebrate an ANZAC ceremony, with wreaths, poems and the last post.  The children were amazing showing their respect throughout the ceremony.

We then explored Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr.  Ala came to talk to us about these two festivals.  Room 4 and 16 came together to hear and see Ala's very interesting presentation, and we all came away with a deeper insight into these two very important Muslim festivals.  The children made a good deed list together.  The focus was on how they could be better people, and help people around them.

Later this week we are going to make Baklava, and Ginny Lawson is going to come in and demonstrate how to draw henna on your hands.  Then the children will have a go at illustrating these intricate designs.  Don't worry we won't be sending them home with stained hands.  We are going to create templates they can practice on.

It has been a fascinating time, and the children have enjoyed the experiences, and finding out more about these important celebrations and festivals.