Anna Ollerenshaw — Mar 10, 2021

Room 9 have been busy creating some amazing art works.

In Room 9 we have been doing lots of art like…

Self Portraits of ourselves. First we sketched ourselves with a pencil. We only sketched our face and we did facial parts one at a time.  Soon we moved onto drawing with a sharpie then we finished that we started to paint our skin with watercolor paint. Then we move onto our background, we used a lot of vibrant colours. First we drew lots of shapes for our backgrounds, we had to use pencil for this. Then after that we traced with sharpie and then we coloured it in with pen and coloured pencils.  We put it on a black piece of paper then we put it on Seesaw.

We also made haunted houses. How we did it: First we drew a haunted house then colored it with black pastel. Then we dyed the background. The effect we created was a silhouette. 

Come and see our art if you are passing by Room 9.

By Emma B, Aleija and Mikaela.