Hero photograph
Photo by Bryce Horgan

Joke Time!

Room 2 —

Here is a sample of jokes from Room 2

Q) Why did the tortoise cross the road?

A) I don't know because it's still walking!

by Tom

Q) Why did the student take a ladder to school?

A) Because she was going to high school!

by Bram

Q) Where do fish put there money?

A) A river bank. 

by Aliyah.

Q) If you drop a white hat into the red sea what does it become?

A) Wet 

by Zach

Q) Why did the cross-eyed teacher loose her job?

A) Because she couldn't control her pupils!!!!

By Emma

My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.

By Olivia

Q) A red house is built with red bricks and a blue house is built with blue bricks so what is a green house made with?

A) Glass.

By Dean