Heather Bonney — Mar 1, 2017

 We are planning to hold a Whānau Hui this term to discuss the direction of our Māori students' learning. Our goal is to have our school's aspirations for our students' learning directly correlate with our community's aspirations.

At Wakari School we aim to foster whanaungatanga with our families - this means a relationship, kinship or sense of family connection - a relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging.

Later on this month, (Thursday the 16th of March) we will be inviting our Māori families to come along to our school in the evening and have a relaxed get together to recap on things that were covered at our last hui, and to discuss what has happened at school as a result.  We would also like to talk about our children, their learning goals and future ambitions.

Please keep an eye out for more information regarding the Whanua Hui.