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Photo by Katy Fitzgerald

Friday Project Fun

Katy Fitzgerald —

Check out the Senior Hub's latest Friday Project creations!

In Friday project I was in cooking group. My Nana came to help with the cooking. We made pasta the first day.  We made 4 different types of pasta, 2 with every ingredient in them and 2 with only pasta and carrot in them. In the second Friday Project we made cupcakes and decorated them. We all got 2 cup cakes and decorated them with icing of our own colour choice then we got to decorate them with our lollies that we brought from home. I brought some M&Ms and some Kit Kats. I had a great time and so did my Nana. She helped so much and I loved being in the cooking group - Charlie H

At tramping Felix, Danny and Esme and I went tramping for the last few Fridays. It was FUN! For the first trip we went to Nichols Creek. When we got to the waterfall, Felix and I went up close to it. It was incredible and we looked down at the water and there were little cockabillies, it was amazing. For the second trip we went to Ben Rudd hut. We had to go up a big hill and then go down the hill. About halfway there we found a grave, it was cool. When we got there there was a big hut. There was a tin, when we opened it there was a notebook and some pens. Felix wrote his name in it and then we went up to this seat on the bank, it was cool. We had morning tea on the seat then we all went back up the hill and then down the hill back to school - Joey

My group and I are knitting little soft toys. We have been knitting for the past few months. There are only two of us in the group, Hye Rim and Milah. Marilyn is a grandmother who has been coming in to help us to learn to knit and create our toys - Milah

In my Friday Project I made cute outfits for a soft toy. I cut out the shapes and then Sophie's Nana, who helped us with it, brought them home. She sewed most of it together. Then she brought them back. Then I sewed on the buttons. When I get home I am planning to put white moons and stars on it. It is a pink soft material. I loved this project I chose. It was very fun because I can't normally sew at home - Katie

For Friday project we went to the Wakari kindy and had fun with the kids. We brought books, toys, we sang songs and played games. We painted pictures and looked at the fish. One time at the kindy they had a pyjama day and had breakfast waffles, cereal and toast. We got some waffles. Every time we went there they changed their playground. The monkey bars used to be yellow but now they are green. They sang us the Mr Possum song. They made a birthday play dough cake and a crown for birthday kids. Kindy was so fun, we hope to go again . Thanks to Ella's Mum, Rachel, for walking us there and back - Keziah and Lexie

In the dance group we have been making dances. On the first day we had to follow a dance routine and do it at assembly. On day two we had to make our own dance or work in a group. I did my dance to Too Much by the Spice Girls and I did the dance at assembly - Hayley

This term in Tournament of Minds we found out who was in the team going to Christchurch. Other things we have been working on are spontaneous challenges. One of our spontaneous challenges started like this - "We’ll never do this again" they said. Our job was to write the rest of the story. Next term we are going to start the long term challenge. The topics we can choose from for the long term challenge are STEM, social sciences, language and literature - Ollie

In Friday Project we have been doing clay and pottery. We filled in a doc to show what we wanted to make then we started to make our projects. Molly has made a Clash Royale key chain and a normal key chain. Tyler has made graveyard, lumber jack and log from Clash Royale. Michaela has made cat, a snail and a sheep  - Michaela, Tyler, Molly

For Friday Project, me, Matilda and Eilish were in the dance group. Every group got to choose their dance so they can perform it in the senior syndicate assembly. First we chose our song (this was very hard) and type of dance. We did a hiphop kind of pop dance to an Ed Sheeran song. Matilda choreographed the dance, did the music and helped us to improve the dance as we went along. When we started creating the dance we thought it would be a good idea to do a different move for every word, then every sentence of the song. This made it stand out a lot. It also made it easier to remember because the words reminded us of the moves we made up - Chihiro, Matilda, Eilish

Screen printing was fun. I started out by watching a video to learn what to do. Then I planned my design. We went to the art room and got some paint so we could practice on a piece of fabric first - Noah M