Caroline Brown — Aug 4, 2018

A team of four Year 6s recently represented Wakari at the EPro8 Technology Challenge held in the Balmacewen Hall.

Today we went to the EPro 8 challenge down at Balmac.  The first challenge was to build a bed for Uncle Albert -aka Sloppy Joe.  When we finally finished we got 50 points.  Our next challenge was to make a dog kennel but the judge told us that the structure was too small which confused us so we decided to change our challenge to the magician's heads or tails challenge.  When we finished we pressed the button then the judge came along and he said we can’t do that which made us confused but then the time was up - we came 5th.    By Riley

On the 26 of July a group of kids went to a thing called EPro 8.  EPro 8 is where you and your team build something and get points for.  The first challenge was building a bed for Uncle Albert aka Sloppy Joe.  The judge came round and changed the rules so that slowed us down by 40 minutes.  When you were done you had to hit the button and a song would play.  Our song was 'Another one bites the dust'.  The second challenge was to build a dog house for Scooby Doo.  At first it was easy until it had to be flood proof then we went for rain proof.  To make sure it was rain proof the judge poured marbles on the dog kennel but we did not get up to that stage.  And if you took apart your other stuff it wouldn't count as a point.  The team that came first got 200 points. We had lots of fun and thought the challenges were good to have a go at.      By Lucas        

The first challenge was Uncle Albert on his bed.  We had to make a bed that was stable so Uncle Albert could get to sleep.  When you finish each challenge you press the buzzer and it will turn on music.  If the judge says it is good you get fifty points.  Then we went to the dog house challenge it was easy at first then we got confused.  The best bit was getting out of school and having fun at Epro 8.             By Brayden.

On Thursday a group of four seniors went to Balmac to do EPro8.  It’s a competition where you have a shelf and different equipment and you have a book where you have different challenges to build.  Once you’re done you press a red button and the judge looks at it.  If it's right then the judge will give you more points.  There are different schools competing and different challenges. Some challenges are worth more points. By Oliver