Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

The End of an Excellent Term

Chris Smith —

The mid-point of 2022 has snuck up on us as we approach a well-deserved break for learners and staff alike at Wakari.

Challenges with sickness, COVID and Influenza along with a nasty tummy bug, have not dampened the great attitudes of staff and tamariki throughout the year so far. I hope the upcoming holiday may serve as a bit of a circuit breaker for these illnesses, and also provide an opportunity for some whanau time.

Your support continues to make our job that much easier. A great turnout to both the Matariki evening and Parent Interviews (97% attendance rate) shows our community support and connections remain strong. My thanks to the Flagstaff church which provided nourishment for staff on the night of the Matariki event.

Tomorrow we farewell Miss Alisha DeCourcy as she begins her year-long maternity leave. Alisha, the entire community wishes you and Karl all the best for the exciting times ahead. Mrs Carolyn Robins will be taking over from Alisha in Room 6 for the remainder of 2022.

During our last Full School Assembly, we congratulated those children who have become PALs (Physical Activities Leaders) at Wakari. Overseen by Mrs Fitzgerald, these Year 6 pupils provide opportunities for fun physical activities at lunchtime. One pair operate on the lower court and look to tailor games for juniors and another pair is on the top field for anyone who wants to join. Thanks to you all for giving up your own time and helping to make Wakari a fun place to be.

Our school Cross Country will be on the second Monday afternoon of Term 3. I look forward to seeing a large support group in attendance to cheer along all of our students.

Enjoy your time with your lovely children and as always if I can be of any assistance do touch base with me.

Nga mihi nui
