Hero photograph
Photo by Cathy Logie

Can you please help?

Cathy Logie —

The Wakari School Garden Group needs your help on a Wednesday lunchtime.

The school Garden Group meets for about 30 to 40 minutes on a Wednesday lunchtime. With Spring just around the corner, the children are very keen to get on the gloves and start digging in the dirt. Last year we grew lots of vegetables that the children really enjoyed eating. The corn was one of our favourites that grew really well in our garden.

At the moment, we have 2 teachers, 1 parent and 1 neighbour who help out on a Wednesday. We would really love some more help! If you are able to come along it would be much appreciated. You don't have to be a gardening expert, or even know anything about gardening, we just need your enthusiasm.

If you could help, please contact the school and we'll get back to you. Thanks!