Caroline Brown — Nov 22, 2016

Recently the Senior Syndicate went to the Science Roadshow at Balmacewen.

Earlier this week the Senior Syndicate went to Balmacewen Intermediate for the Science Roadshow. When we got there I was amazed by all the stalls and displays of different experiments. There were experiments that we could look at and some that we could interact with.

By Tyler

On the 15th of November 2016 the Senior Syndicate went to Balmacewen for a Science Road Show. Once we got there we were amazed at what we saw.There were crazy inventions , amazing inventions and unbelievable inventions.

We all sat down and there were three scientists who took us through some tutorials. We learned that all sounds come from vibrations.

After we got to have a walk around and check out the inventions for example throwing a tennis ball at a target and seeing how hard you threw the ball, putting the end of a balloon on a hockey puck then blowing it up and letting it go.

Then the show was almost over but there was time for a couple more experiments. We saw what would absorb water faster a sponge or a cloth (it was the sponge).

It was time for the last experiment of the day we put polystyrene in some sort of acid and it dissolved a whole roll of it.

By Dean

On Tuesday, the Senior Syndicate went to Balmacewen for the Science Roadshow. There were cool experiments like electroplating, which is where they put steel and copper in copper sulphate, and the metals were attached to electrodes. They turned the electrodes on, and the steel became coated in copper. There were two shows, with time to look at experiments in between. The shows were about sound waves and mighty materials. Mighty materials was my favourite show because they set lots of different things on fire.

By Bram

Yesterday the Senior Syndicate went down to Balmac to go see the Science Roadshow. We went in and sat down then watched the first show about sound. They did a whole lot of cool experiments including a hearing test ( the teachers put their hand down before everyone else ). Then we got to go round the hall and do a whole lot of hands on experiments for quite awhile. After we went back and sat down then they did another show about material and did some other experiments.

By Olivia

The Senior Syndicate went to Balmacewen for a Science Roadshow. It was shown in the hall and there were lots of examples of experiments and fair tests. They showed us how to make steel more strong and not rust by putting copper in water then dipping the steel in.There were also lots of inventions that you could try like how fast you could throw a tennis ball or what humans could hear compared to dolphins and dogs.

By Maddix