Charlotte Ford — Nov 28, 2018

In the Middle Syndicate this term our topic has been Where In The World. Each class randomly chose a country out of a hat, Room 16 was lucky enough to get Brazil! We are going to share a few photos of what we have been doing as well as a few facts we have learnt so far.

Ruby- The Amazon Rainforest is in part of Brazil, it has four layers and has around 10 million species of animals living there.

Max- People are cutting down the trees in the Amazon rainforest, more animals don't have homes. The butterfly's don't have homes and are dying.  We need to plant more trees in the areas that don't have any.

Molly- In the Amazon Rainforest people are cutting down trees for paper, this is getting rid of fresh air- most of our fresh air we breath comes form the Rainforest, this is helping us enjoy our lives.  We need to stop wasting paper. 

Asher- Brazil is in the South America that is the 4th largest continent in the world.

Felipe- It has one of the hottest and nicest beaches in the world but it is one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Hayley- Some foods you can only make in Brazil because of the ingredients you need.  Just like Yucca chips.