Hero photograph
Year 5 O'Mathlon team (L-R) Tom Pryor, Jack Swainson, Tristin Clark and Flynn Richards
Photo by Caroline Brown

O'Mathalon teams use some 'calculated' moves

Caroline Brown —

Two teams represented Wakari at the recent O'Mathalon.

O'Mathalon is a Maths competition for Year 5 up to Year 13 students. Some of the questions were pretty tricky. It was fun answering all the questions and running to get them marked.                     By Tristin and Tom

The other day a group of kids (me, Tom, Jack and Tristin) went to the O’Mathalon. The O’Mathalon is a Maths competition at the Edgar Centre. It was harder than I expected. Each time we finished a question we had this ID card, and one person in the team had to run around part of the Edgar Centre. There were 40 teams that were competing against each other. I really enjoyed the experience. It started at 1:30pm ended at 2:10pm. The competition went from Year 5 to Year 12. The O’Mathalon doesn’t just involve Maths it also involves running. They also give you chances to win chocolate calculators.                  By Flynn

Survival tips on the O’Mathalon for first-timers

WARNING: Be prepared to RUN!!

  • Bring as LITTLE as possible ( apart from your brain of course ).

  • Pens and paper are provided so no need for those.

  • Be calm at ALL times.

  • Eat AND drink before hand.

  • Bring your brain!!!

  • Don't feel pressure, you have a lot of time.

  • Put on your game face!

  • TRY to answer the questions even if they seem like the hardest questions in HISTORY!!!!!!!!

  • If you get the question WRONG re-read the question because there may be some fine print or just try again but after around a MILLION tries it would be great to start considering PASSING!!!!

  • Think eat my dust as you speed through the questions

  • Give it a go!

  • Only pass if you’ve given it a go!

  • Make sure you bring your ID card to your marker otherwise you have to go all the way back just to get a tiny little piece of laminated paper!!!!!

The helpful tips for O’Mathalon

  • Try to choose your fastest runner and alternate runners when they get tired.

  • Stay calm at all times because your brain works faster when your calm.

  • Pens and paper are provided but make sure you look after them.

  • Remember the ID card otherwise you have to go back just to get the ID and question card if you’re a runner.

  • Try to remember that you are competing against your age group only so don’t worry about Albert Einstein competing against you.

Thank you, Roree and Brooklyn.

O’Mathalon Survival Tips To Winning

This is a report on O’Mathalon Survival.

Day 1: I can (not) believe what I have heard I AM IN THE O’MATHALON TEAM!!! Surprises always pop up on me but this is all right I have done this before. Everybody calm down, it is all right.

Day 5: OK so we had our first O’Mathalon practice with Mrs Gribben and it was harder than I thought. I was put in a team of three other year 6s: Roree, Lachie and Brooklyn. We have practiced for the first time together and we have to practice with Mrs Gribben every Tuesday.

Day 48: We have practiced for ages and we are ready for the task ahead of us. We did another round of O’Mathalon questions to answer from 2017.

The day of the O’Mathalon:  We are here in the Edgar Centre and we are about to start the O’Mathalon.

The O’Mathalon has started: ”Run Lachie!” we say as Lachie runs to the marker while we keep answering the next question.

The end of the O’Mathalon: We did a competition to earn a chocolate calculator. We came 4th I think. We definitely didn’t go to McDonalds afterwards.                    By Reuben