Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Brown

Our Senior artists create amazing artworks.

Caroline Brown —

The Senior Hub have created some fantastic 'water' artworks at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery with John Neumegen.

On Wednesday the 10th, 11th and 12th of June me and some other kids went to the art gallery. We looked at a room with magnet walls and magnet shapes that stuck to the walls. Then we went to look at a piece of art. It was like a maze - it was very cool. Then we got told to think about what the painting made us feel like and after that we went to another room. The other room had a painting which had been painted while the Christchurch earthquake was happening - it was amazing. Then after a while we went to paint some art of our own. The different groups painted different pictures. I went on Wednesday and I painted some fish on a piece of paper dyed green and blue. We got templates of fish and tried to copy the body shape on the paper in pencil. Then we got a coloured pencil to colour the fish in. Once we coloured the fish in John (our tour person) gave us some white ink and he told us not to knock it over.(Then someone knocked it over straight away) We used the white ink to put in our sea creature,s eye to make them stand out more. After we went to the drying station because it had a heat gun. Then we went to the gluing station and we got to choose what we wanted to glue on our art. We got some shells and people were allowed to get some rubbish to stick on their art. Then we thanked John and came back to school. Now our art is on display in Room 7, 8 and 9’s hallway and in our classes.                 By Esme Landreth 

Today we went to the art gallery and we made some art. First we looked at some interesting paintings. We looked at guns made out of cricket bats and Wood. And painted saws. We saw small Pieces of art and big pieces of art and sculptures of art.        By Tom P.

Yesterday we went to the art gallery. It started off with a bus ride. I sat with Maia, Sienna and Miss DeCourcy. I sat backwards. Then we arrived and John showed us around. First we went into this cool magnet room,  there were heaps of colourful magnets of all shapes and sizes. Then we went into this tv room and we watched videos of canoes. The people were rowing around the Maori land. Then we went out and looked at artworks by a man. They had lots of different things on them like doodles. I liked his art because it was lots of different little things. After that we went to the classroom and John told us a story about how Maori people found New Zealand, and we saw pictures of sea creatures. He showed us how to make some pictures with dye. Then we went off and did it ourselves. I loved the magnet room because it was fun playing with the magnets. It was cool how the magnets stuck to the special paint on the walls.           By Marlie

On the 12th, 13th and 14th of June the Senior Hub went to the art gallery for our water topic to do some art based around water. For the 12th of June trip we got to choose a picture and we copied it onto a watercolour background. After that we coloured it in with pencils and white ink, and if we had time we decorated the background with rubbish and seaweed. You can see them on the art gallery website. Before that we got to see the new exhibition called 'In motion'. There was a virtual reality game based on geography and then there was the magnet room the walls were magnetic and they had boxes of magnets so you could create semi-permanent art and there was other types of art creating movement you should check it out. The person showing us around was called John and, he put together all the art that we created it was a fun trip - Mrs Brown had a hunch we were his favourite school!          By Brooklyn