Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

A Blossoming Term 4

Chris Smith —

A plethora of experiences for our learners so far in this term.

With just over 4 weeks until our final day (half day) on December 14, it has been really enjoyable witnessing and hearing about the experiences our tamariki have had within the first half of our final term for 2021.

Stars on stage, Kapahaka, museum sleepover, a rugby league tournament and Year 5 camp are some of the highlights that we have been lucky enough to complete thus far. Sure, they have not been the 'normal' way in which we would hope these events would be held but at least our pupils have had the opportunity to give these a go. My thoughts are with our colleagues further north that have battled away in level 3 for months, that will have been extremely taxing, I am sure for all those involved.

We have spent the better part of 18 months using a new mathematics programme - Pr1me Maths. We moved to this programme to arrest the minor decline in our assessment data over a few years. Our Deputy Principal Mrs Gribben presented to our Board at our recent trustees meeting with some positive news, a definitive change in the way our data was trending, with results justifying our new approach. I must commend our excellent teachers and learning assistants for running with a different programme that is already starting to bear fruit.

I am also pleased to report that we will be welcoming back all of our current teaching staff for the 2022 year. This will be our 4th year without major changes within our group, this speaks for the culture of our school and also to the support that our community offers. The positive interactions and support that you, our parent group offer, does go a long way to ensuring staff feel valued and respected. My thanks for this.

Our new build is continuing at speed, we are hopeful to be able to start utilising the building from the beginning of 2022. My thanks to the lead contractor Cooks Brothers for their efforts in trying times.

If I can be of any assistance please do pop in to see me.

Nga mihi nui
