Richard Murray — Nov 23, 2017

What has been happening in the Middle Syndicate on Friday's this term?

This past four weeks all of the Middle Syndicate have rotated around classes, the hall and in the library. Every Friday we do fun activities with parents and teachers who have given up their time to do fun stuff with us.  Some of us have baked treats, painted insects on wooden templates, tramped, learnt to sing in a choir, and made dream catchers, just to name a few. Friday activities last from 10:00 to 12.00 and are lots of fun! 

Ruben - Room 14.

Choir is another way to say singing lessons. If you love singing and performing in front of people try out for Choir.  At Choir you can do your own song with other people or one song with everybody in the choir. Choir is fun, it gets kids louder, kids enjoy it, and it's something kids can learn. Maybe when kids grow up they would want to be a singer because Choir inspired them to be a singer.

April - Room 14