Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Ollerenshaw

Room 9's visit to the Kaikorai Valley Stream.

Anna Ollerenshaw —

Water topic excursion

I bounced up and down with excitement as we got off the rickety white bus onto the smooth stone. Ecstatic. One word to describe the whole line. We skipped forward to the huge grassy field I was awed at the ginormous field that stretched out before me then we walked over to the old green stands . We sat down then I saw him, Mr Murphy. I was filled to the brim with happiness . I was so tempted to blurt out my name but I didn’t . Next thing I know I’m standing in a creek on two wobbly slimy rocks while Ruben is lifting up rocks I quickly maneuvered my way back to solid ground Dr McMillan is watching the other groups . Ruben asks for a sieve I chuck him mine then Dr McMillan calls us all in then I get sent away with the rest of my group to test soil and how fast water goes through it compared to sand, water went much faster through soil than compared to sand . Then we watched Steve go electric fishing, we caught trout then we got to touch it. It was slimy, wet, slippery oh and did I mention slimy. Then we went to Mr Murphy . BEST. ACTIVITY. EVER. Hands down . We tested water clarity and how oxygen changes as water temperature changes plus he called me Mr Cone (because my brother was a good student). He let me scan the temperature. Then we finished I was gliding with happiness . Then we got onto the comfiest bus EVER. The day was over.

By Will

On Friday 23rd of May 2019 Room 9 went to Kaikorai Valley College for a day and we went to four activities. They were electric fishing, walking and exploring in the stream, measurements, and tipping water mixed in with blue food colouring into the jar. It was so much fun. My shoes got a little bit muddy but not as much as I thought they would. I loved the trip so much. It was a beautiful hot, sunny day. The activities were fun. I loved the water. The stream was gigantic. Some of the water was very clear some of the water wasn't. 

By Lilly Thomson  

As the dust settled from the upturned rock we saw. Nothing. The Kaikorai Valley stream trip had lasted all afternoon, and what I was hoping to be the most exciting activity was turning out to be just a little boring. Until we spotted the 30 centimeter crayfish that is.

Electric Fishing:  A very efficient way of catching freshwater trout. According to our tutor there’s enough volts in the backpack to stop a grown man’s heart. But coming with it are a TON of safety measures. You fall into the water? It automatically stops. How do you tell its on? A bright blaring light on the back flashes red. Who knew feeling a freshwater trout would feel so slimy and strange?

Water Clarity: A healthy way of telling how good the water quality is. (I said healthy because it’s healthier than tasting it to know) Mr Murphy brought four different samples of water. Fun fact for you fact hunters out there: the KVC stream water is ALMOST as good as the tap water. The salt water looked good but be WARNED! It will betray you and in the unlikely event that you decide to drink more than one gulp it will eventually shut down your main organs of your body. Sooo long story short DON’T DRINK IT!!!

Fantastic beasts and where to find them

(Well not really…)

Back to the crayfish starter story: Liam and I decided to let Mr Lusher have the great honor of holding and picking up the crayfish. We weren’t scared, we were just kind.

Well that’s all the time I have. Thank you for reading.

By Sam