Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

Engagement is key

Chris Smith —

Our children love a challenge, it is evident whenever I walk into our Hubs.

The photo heading todays article shows the Senior Syndicate working with Pip Dick on Tuesday. They were learning how to code. I wandered through on several different occasions and the kids were totally enthralled with what they were learning. What was most pleasing was the way they were interacting together, whether it be in pairs or larger groups bouncing ideas and solutions off one another they were all fully immersed. The Teachers (tongue in check) were almost redundant, the children were controlling their own learning and asking and answering each other's questions, the children were running the cutter. Really special stuff to see and one of the privileges of my job.

We are heading into swimming season so do remember to pack togs etc and send them along with your child when their 2-week block is happening. It is during these block sessions of swimming lessons that we see the largest improvement for our swimmers.

My thanks to staff for providing such a rich term full of learning experiences for the children. As normal time seems to be flying by and I am appreciative of the enormous amount of work that our staff puts into the everyday school happenings that support our learners.

On the negative, the continued lack of respect from a few of our drivers, or more pointedly those illegally parking, is putting kids at risk. Constable Greer has spoken to me about one deterrent and we will run with it until the behaviour changes. His suggestion is to photograph those parking on yellow lines and email the photos to him. He will write a letter of warning first then if there are repeat offenders they will be ticketed. A pretty sad state of affairs but we have exhausted most other options. If you see illegal parking please snap a photo on your phone of the offending vehicle and send it to my email address principal@wakari.school.nz and I will forward it on to the police.

Our Zone consultation is currently running, we welcome all input. Please go to the school website and have a look at the Ministries proposed boundaries. It may not affect those already enrolled but may effect friends or whanau in the future who would like to come to Wakari School so please get them to have their say.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Regards Chris