Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

Lifelong Learners in Action

Chris Smith —

35 Staff (7 from Wakari) had an excellent time last week looking in depth into Project Based Learning.

Held at Balmacewen Intermediate, 30 Staff from the Hills Cluster and 5 from a couple of other Schools had 3 full days Professional Development with Kerry from the Buck Institute for Education which is based in San Francisco. It will be interesting to note the tweaks to planning with our major unit next term being based around water.

I congratulate the Senior Syndicate on their swimming efforts this week and also the rest of the pupils from across the school. Thanks also to JC Swim school for the delivery of a quality product.

Plans for the upgrades of 3 of our Classroom Hubs have gone to tender. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are all inline for a spruce up along with some re-roofing across the school. It is hoped work will begin around the start of June. While Hubs are being worked upon (staggered) children and teachers will use the Hall as their place of learning.

Thanks also to those parents who pitched in with the Cheese Roll making last weekend. A massive effort for all pupils at Wakari School.

Tomorrow will be Mrs Anna Hartley's last day with us. A fabulous member of staff Anna will be sorely missed. The Board, staff and wider Wakari Community wish you and your family all the best for the future. 

Please have an enjoyable break with your whanau and I look forward to a fabulous Term 2.

Regards Chris