Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Brown

New learning space!

Caroline Brown —

Rooms 2 and 3 are enjoying making the most of their new learning hub.

The children and teachers in Rooms 2 and 3 are enjoying the extra space between our rooms that we have called the 'learning hub'.

This year in Rooms 2 and 3 we are doing reading together. We meet altogether and do the 'Super Six' which include: independent reading, comprehension box, seesaw, epic/listening to text, independent research and teacher time. We have a card that has three boxes for us to fill in for our activities. So far we think the different things to do are fun. By Olivia (Room 3) and Brock (Room 2)
In Room 2 and 3 at the moment we have been learning about place value. We have been starting our maths with learning about thousands, hundreds, tens and the one columns. Then we go into a different workshop group either with Mrs Brown or Miss Robinson." By Indy (Room 2) and Brayden (Room 3)