Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Lowden

Hub 12/13 Clay Dinosaur Eyes

Lisa Lowden —

As part of our Dinosaurs - Skills for learning topic this term we have experimented with clay learning how to work with it, join parts together, keep it smooth, and use tools to make designs on it. After lots of practise we then designed and made funky dinosaur eyes.

"I worked really hard on my dinosaur eye. I spent lots of time scraping the designs around my eye. I used a toothpick. I'm really happy with the way my eye turned out." - Lleyton

"I liked using the clay. It felt great. It looks like a real eye with scales." - Thalia

"I'm really glad about how my dinosaur eye turned out, I'm really happy with it. I spent a lot of time trying to make the little scales perfect like in my plan. I tried to make it realistic so it stands out." - Charlotte A

"I really enjoyed using the clay to make my dinosaur eye. My eye has flowers on it. I used water to help stick the little pieces on. I curled little serpents to add details and to make the petal of my love heart flower." - Beth