Hero photograph
Sienna, Maia and Marlie heading to the Dunedin City Council to make a donation to fighting the amount of litter ending up in our oceans.
Photo by Caroline Brown

Water Warriors take action!

Caroline Brown —

At the Senior Water Warrior Expo, Marlie, Sienna and Maia sold magnets to remind people to take more care with their litter to cut down on the amount of litter ending up in our oceans.

Last term we were trying to find a way to be water warriors and encourage people to look after our seas. We have been trying to find ways to stop using so much water and to stop using as much plastic. So we thought we could print out pictures of water creatures and laminate them. Then we put a little bit of magnet on the back of them and wrote save our world on the back too.

We decided to sell them for a dollar and it went really well. We made $57.50.

Yesterday we went to see the Dunedin City Council  to give them the  money that we raised at our Expo.  We had to line up in a line and then we gave it to the person at the counter who used to go to Wakari School! Then Mrs Brown took a photo of us handing it out to them. Then we had to wait in line because they needed us to speak to another person. Jenny, our Enviro School helper came and she said that maybe the money should go to another company which uses volunteers to clean up rubbish on our beaches. Jenny is going to get some people to come to our school to collect the money.

We decided this was a good group to give our money to as they are people that go round cleaning our beaches and they can go and buy the reusable gloves and reusable bags so that they don't have to keep using plastic because that's what they used to use but stopped because it just meant using more and more plastic. 

We are really hoping that they use the money wisely and put it towards looking after our water.

By Marlie, Sienna and Maia