Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

A great community to be a part of.

Chris Smith —

Sometimes I pinch myself at how lucky I am to be the Principal of Wakari School.

Firstly our community so ably lead by our Board of Trustees, who are your representatives, a group of parents tasked with the governance of our school. Their professionalism and commitment to wanting the best for the tamariki at Wakari are second to none. 

The support of the Home and School was never more evident than all of the hands helping make cheese rolls across Saturday and Sunday at Balmac Intermediate. The chatter, giggles and taking the mickey out of the Principal show me how good a tone is currently within that group. As always joining this group directly supports all the pupils of Wakari.

Parent Interviews again have had a massive turnout, amid a health crisis I might add. Well over 90% turnout across the 2 days. I hope the conversations were beneficial and although some of them may not have been easy to hear they do come from the right place. 

The COVID - 19 Virus is cause for concern, obviously. Remaining calm around children, reassuring them with factual base information will help with their anxiety. The school receives constant updates from our Ministry and we will follow directives completely from them. Do be assured we are following best practice when dealing with this pandemic.

Some shorter weeks approaching and an opportunity for staff and pupils to re-energise. 

If I can be of assistance do make contact.

Regards Chris