Hero photograph
Photo by Bryce Horgan

Room 7 Poems

Room 7 —

Room 7 have many budding poets. Here are some of their poems.

Peaceful Scenery

The sun is rising

From its rest behind the mountains

Birds are chirping

To mark the new day

The wind is blowing the branches of the trees

Back and forward

Flowers are blooming on the summery day

Children storming outside to play a game of ball

Count the red and blue cars go by.

Watching the sun go down behind the mountains

And the headlights go on

Finally the day is done, good night

The sun, the birds, and all nature and peace around us

Good night.

by Liam Bennett


There are many different kinds of sports

Some get played on courts

Like b-ball, 4 square and many more

for players more than two or four

It’s not like war its all for fun

Some sports have teams and some have none

And when you score the crowd goes wild

You can hear them from a mile

And when the game is done it’s always ended with a smile

And a well done to each child

Now you know what sports about

Will you play it ? There's no doubt

By Esme Landreth

England to New Zealand

Ok we’re here

At the airport

We got all our luggage

And stepped on the platform

Where the airport stood

I could feel the wasps in my tummy

I mean the hornets in my tummy

Stinging my organs

We checked in so we’re ready for our flight

Mum said we have 2 hours to spare

So i went to the toilet,

Looked around some shops,

got something to eat and drink

And relaxed!

Please make your way to gate G

That was our gate

ahhh !

We stepped onto the airplane

And sat down

Then took off

6 hour later we were in dubai

21 hours later we were in sydney

And 3 to 4 hours later we were in christchurch

Yay! We made it

By Gracie


Wake up wake up

It's time to get up

The sun is shining trees are blowing

Wake up won't you please

Oh what should we do?

We could go out to play

Or even have a water fight

Or maybe even take some time to bake

It’s Sunday morning we have no school

Come on come on, oh won't you please

We can climb in my treehouse

Or climb through the trees

We can have some popcorn and a movie night

But you have to get up

Oh won't you please

Come on I've been here for an hour

Wake up wake up won't you please.

by Charlotte

DIgiT:tal ViRu$

Computer glitching

What's going on?

Colour’s changing

Call to repair

How'd it start

Did they put

A computer chip

Oh you’re here

I just bought this

Repair man

I thought it was new

They lied to me

Now what do I do?

I will return it

And get it replaced

They can fix it

Or they’re a fake.

By Liam W