Hero photograph
Photo by Shaun Robinson

Netball Tournament 

Shaun Robinson —

Check out our Yr 5/6 netball tournament 

It was really nice to get along to watch and coach at the Primary School Netball Tournament on Tuesday. Thank you so much to the parents who helped take kids to and from the Edgar Centre - it was really appreciated. I'm sure the girls loved our sideline support from some parents and siblings who were able to come along to watch.
The Wakari girls did really well. I was really proud to watch the girls having fun, using their skills in games, playing fair and using their manners to the umpires and to other teams. Both Wakari teams had a total of 7 games each for 14 minutes which ended up being quite a big day for the kids. Check out our article from the kids, photos and videos from our day. 


On Tuesday the 29th of August we went to the Edgar Centre to play in a netball tournament. Our first game was at 9 o'clock on the dot and we started with a BANG! We quickly found out that the teams we were playing were very competitive and strong. We played teams from all over the place, included was a team from Wanaka who were pretty good. Columba won the Year 6 competition.

Thank you to Rachel, Jo, Rose and the people at the Edgar Centre! We loved our day yesterday and 7 games of netball proved to be quite hard. We are really tired today and struggled to write this article.  "I want to go to sleep during reading" Poppy.

By Poppy, Liliya and Charlotte. 


Yesterday there was a netball tournament. There were two teams that went from Wakari School a Yr 5 and a Yr 6 team. I enjoyed playing 6 A side instead of 7 players on the court and playing all of the different positions. We played well as a team and we worked together to make sure we had fun. We left having one win which was pretty good! Rose (Tui's mum) was our coach and she was a good coach. 

By Lucy.
