Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Lawson

T.Ball teams have a successful season.

Anna Lawson —

The Wakari Saphires and the Wakari Blue T.ball teams both had a very good season.

Wakari Blue were Runner Up in the Pre Christmas season and then showed just how amazing they were and they went on to win the  Post Christmas season.  Well done Wakari Blue I know how hard you all practiced. You were a strong team and played well together. Thanks  to your fabulous coach Jamie Winklemann.

Not to be out done our youngest team were also successful in their grade. The Wakari Saphires were the Post Christmas winners in their grade. Again lots of practice and working hard together as a team proved to be a winning combination.  You did so well, and we are all very proud of you all.  Thank  you to Michelle Matthews and Tara Burgess our great coaches.