Anna Hartley — Nov 11, 2017

Friday Project for Term 4 is underway in the Senior Syndicate. 

Friday Project for Term 4 is underway in the Senior Syndicate. In Room 12 we have the architecture, 3-D printing and movie-making groups, who are all working hard on their Friday Project creations. Here are some of their reflections on their projects so far.


In 3-D printing, we have done the tutorial on how to make things on Tinkercad. We enjoyed doing the tutorial on Tinkercad and learning how to make blocks and shapes and other things.

We are looking forward to doing other things. We have started to do tutorials and will start to print once we're ready. We think it is going to be so much fun until we get the hang of it.

- By Tom Dangerfield

For Friday Project we are doing movie-making. It's fun. We (Lucas, Oliver, JJ and Hamish) are making a movie together called the ‘Nerdernater’. The characters are Bob - the main character, Jimmy 1, Jimmy 2, the nerd army and the nerdernator. We used the the top field as the location for the scenes. We have written a little bit of the script and will practise the part that we have on Friday before we start filming. Hamish is the director, JJ is the cameraman, Oliver is the backup cameraman and in some parts Lucas will do parkour.

- By Oliver Ushakov-Colling, Hamish Grindlay and Lucas Gibson.

For Friday Project I am in architecture and so far my group have drawn out the plans for our building and outside space. What we had to do was design two classrooms and an outside space. We had to label what we had designed. We got a piece of paper to draw on and we could draw whatever we wanted our dream classroom to look like. This week we are going to use minecraft on i-pads and chromebooks to start, and maybe even finish, our classrooms and garden.

- By Tom Restall