Hero photograph
Photo by Katy Fitzgerald

Senior Hub visits the Dental School

Katy Fitzgerald —

Some senior students have been involved in a teeth study at the Dental School. The Senior Hub was invited to visit the Dental School on Monday for some fun activities. Here are some memories from the day.

I really enjoyed going to the Dental School because we got to do really fun activities like….

Working in a model mouth with real dental equipment such as 2 tools called the Mirror & the Explorer. We worked in buddies, one wrote down our discoveries & the other checked the mouth, then we swapped.

Our second activity was making a fake tooth out of plasticine. The lady gave us instructions that we listened to closely to make the tooth. There was also a sheet to look at if we got lost or stuck. We then wrapped our fake teeth in foil and Mr. Waddell wrote our names on it.

Our last 2 activities were kind of combined, our group split into 2 groups. My half of the group did mirror writing, which is where you put the piece of card they gave us on a special mirror. We then could only look at the mirror and try to write something or make something out of sticks. This showed us how if you’re working on a real person's mouth you’ll be working upside down.

And finally we had to fill up plastic teeth with plasticine which showed us how to fill up the gaps in people's teeth. Then after a long morning we had a huge lunch. It included…. Shortbread, Juice, Pizza, Sushi & Fruit. We got handed out certificates at the end for anyone who participated in the teeth study - Johanna

I really enjoyed going to the Dental School because we started off with looking in model head's mouths and counting the cavities, silver amalgam fillings and more.

Then we went onto making fake teeth out of plasticine which was really fun because we used a tool that had a blunt knife on one side and a curved bit on the other. We started by making 5 spheres and putting them on a block of plasticine. Then we made the roots and stuck them on the bottom. Then we smoothed the spheres so that they looked like fissures. If you don’t know what a fissure is, it’s the grooves on top of your teeth. Then we went to the last session which had two things to do. The first one had two mirrors and you had to write in the middle of the two mirrors so that you had to write upside down. You had to write your name, draw a smiley face, draw two straight lines and two wobbly lines. You also had to use tweezers to pick up colourful sticks to make a house and a cross hatch. Then we had to put plasticine in fake teeth.

Then we had lunch with pizza, sushi, fruit and juice and we took a bus back to school - Claudia

At the dental school yesterday we did three activities. The first one was when we looked into a model mouth and we wrote down the fillings and the missing teeth and more. At the second activity we made teeth out of plasticine that people use when they lose an adult tooth, except we made them bigger. At the last activity we did two things. The first was when we filled the teeth with plasticine and made fissures. Once we did that we drew with a mirror that made it difficult to draw. At the end we got certificates and after certificates we had a shared lunch. At the shared lunch there was pizza, sushi, sandwiches, juice and fruit. I loved the opportunities at the dental school - Renee

On Monday we went to the dental school and we did 3 activities. The first one was when we looked at a model mouth. We wrote down how many cavities and how many fillings there were. We actually used real dentist tools like a mirror and an explorer! The second activity was when we made a molar out of plasticine. It was super hard. The third activity was an indirect vision challenge where we had to draw a smiley face, wobbly straight lines, and our name and make some things with toothpicks. The fourth activity was filing and replacing a filling on a fake tooth. Then they handed out certificates and we had lunch!! There was pizza, sushi, sandwiches, cookies, juice, water and fruit. There was a lot of stuff to do at the dental school - Emma J-L