Chris Smith — Feb 11, 2016

Well and truly humming for 2016.

We are three weeks into the new year and I hope your child has had a successful start. With a new year comes both excitement and trepidation from our pupils. If there is anything  which you are unsure about  your best path of inquiry is to please contact your child's classroom teacher. If they are unable to be of assistance or you would like further clarification your next port of call is the appropriate syndicate leader. Generally a quick catchup can alleviate most concerns. For a more thorough look at our Policy's and Procedures click on the link.

Children exploring talents, giving things a go and generally trying their best are some of the messages we consistently deliver to our children. Plenty of children have opted into summer sports teams already, shortly Kapa Haka will be underway. There is nothing better from my perspective than children opting into the fabulous opportunities that our Staff are able to offer.

As always the school will require support from our parents and wider community so when you see an opening that you may be able to assist with please jump in. This week we have over 20 parents attending the week long outdoor education experience for our Year 6 children at Camp Iona.

When possible my door is  open and I am happy to meet and discuss anything you may need to have a chat about, However there are occasions when I may have prior commitments and you may be asked to make an appointment.