Chloe Barton — Jun 8, 2022

What a busy term so far in the Mansion. The children have had lots of fabulous learning opportunities to take part in.

Our oral language focus for this term has been poetry, the children are taking turns to learn and recite a poem to the Hub. 

A keen group of children went down to the Logan Park turf last week to compete in the Rippa Rugby Tournament. They had such a good day out and came away with second place. They are heading off to the Otago Rippa Championship at Forsyth Barr Stadium later in the month. 

Friday projects have been a hit, some options available were boat making and racing, 3D letter making, jewellery making, peg dolls, plays and performances, bag tags, stop motion and even a couple of children being 'kid teachers'. 

For topic this term we have been learning all about the history of New Zealand and the first settlers to arrive. We loved having Piripi Matthews as our guest speaker to share his knowledge and answer all our questions. We are now going to become story tellers, passing on our knowledge of the story and using a range of Project Based learning tools to do so. 

We are well into our training for the cross country next term and are looking forward to taking part in this!