Anna Hartley — Feb 25, 2019

Last week a mysterious box was left on the doorstep of Mrs Hartley's house. Room 16's writers, who have been learning about adjectves, wrote about what they imagined might be inside. Here's some of their writing for you to read and enjoy!

Inside the box is a massive, golden robot! - Altair

Ding-dong! "Mum. Come on. Let's open the door." Mum opened the door. Mum looked up and I looked down. Mum didn't see anything but I did. I saw a big and mysterious box. Inside the box I saw a giant teddy bear. It was a fluffy, cuddly and brown one. - Valery


I saw a box and it looked huge. I don't know what's inside. I opened the box. There was a teddy bear. It was a fluffy girl teddy bear. It was brown, soft, cute and huggy. - Lina


Inside the box was a tunnel slide. It was broken into pieces. It was long and green. - Sylas

Ding-dong! We opened the door. I saw a big box. Inside was a fluffy shark. It was massive and grey. - William

Ding-dong! "Let's open the door now, Mum!" I saw a big box on the doorstep. There was a little toy in the box. It was Greenie. It was green and looked like a little green pea. It was cool and funny. - Izzy