David Waddell — Feb 28, 2023

The Wakari School Year 6 Children embarked on an incredible adventure to Camp Columba in early February... check out the video at the bottom of the article!

Back in Week 2 of the term, our amazing Year 6 children packed up and travelled 139km southwest to the might Camp Columba. While there, they took part in a wide range of challenging, exciting and collaborative activities and achieved so much along the way. 

Well done to all of the children for pushing through their comfort zones and trying something new while at camp. We are so proud of you all! 

A huge thank you as well to everyone who helped make the camp such a wonderful success:

The amazing camp parents: Julia Fowler, Nadine Park, Garry Crane, Eveline Adamson, Kimberley Sharples, Kiri Young, David Wallace, Jono Keith, and Sarah Orr.

Our staff and student teachers: Mrs Ollerenshaw, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs Robins, Sam Cadman, Ms Walker, Ms Peacock.

The charities of Dunedin Casino Charitable Trust and The Kiwi Gaming Foundation who contributed to the transport and accomodation costs.

All of the Staff at Camp Columba for their support and encouragement of the children to complete a range of challenging activities. 

And finally, a huge thank you to Delwynne, Bryce and the Home and School Committee for all of the fundraising done to make our school camps possible.