Hero photograph
Photo by Alisha DeCourcy

Room 8 at the Art Gallery

Alisha DeCourcy —

Last Wednesday, Room 8 had a fabulous time at the Dunedin Art Gallery. Thank you to the parents who helped with transport and supervision! Here are some of our thoughts.

On the 22nd of July, Room 8 went to the Art Gallery. This time instead of using a bus for transport parents of children drove us in their cars. The parents were Aaron - Jack's mum, Jamie - Paige's dad, Matt - Keziah's step dad, Sarah - Caitlin's mum and Nadine - Jacob's mum. I was in a car with Jack’s mum Aaron, Gabby and Tommy. 

Once we got there we had to wait 5 minutes before the art gallery opened. Once it opened we had to wait 3 minutes before our tour guide John arrived. The first thing he showed us when he arrived was a round painting which apparently was 500 years old. The picture showed Joseph holding baby Jesus. It was adorable looking at that. 

The next thing John showed us was two Maori chiefs. They were holding staffs and on one of their necks was a necklace. The next photo he showed us was a dead kea. It was depressing because kea’s are endangered. 

Then we went up the elevator to get up to the second floor. It was scary, I hung onto Jack for the whole time in the elevator. We walked around for a little but there was nothing interesting. So then we went to the art room and saw some 1950 videos. Then John showed us what art we were going to do. We did this art where we were going to draw a happy picture to go in a child’s hospital room. I drew a green hill with a tent, some trees and a stream. Once we finished the picture we stuck some beds, windows and the picture plus some decoration to a piece of paper. I was one of the first to finish so I went outside and played with some toys that were in a box. Once everyone finished we packed up and went back to school. It was an awesome experience!!

By Felipe Green- Santos