Rob Naysmith — Aug 30, 2022

Changes to mask wearing and parents in classrooms.

As we emerge from winter and Covid cases continue to slow we have revised our requirements for mask wearing. From Monday 5th September masks for children and staff will be encouraged but optional. Parents and caregivers will be allowed into classrooms again but we ask that you continue to wear a mask in classrooms or when in any indoor space. If we see an increase in covid cases we will revise this and reintroduce our mask policy, hopefully this will not happen!  It is really important that if your child is unwell that you keep them at home.

Please make sure that if you have a child not returning to Weedons in 2023 that you fill in the form in the article outlining further information. It is really important we have this information early so we can start organising 2023. 

Our Board of Trustees election is currently running. You will have received voting papers through the mail. Please take the time to read the blurbs on the candidates and vote. Voting papers can either be posted back or dropped into the school office.

We have seen a slight increase in children bringing toys and trinkets to school. Please talk to your children about this and keep these sorts of things at home.

Enjoy the sun and the rest of your week.

Ngā mihi

Rob Naysmith
