Hero photograph
Photo by Maree Ford

Waste Free Lunch Boxes!

Enviro Group —

Weedons School is a waste free lunchbox zone.

Congratulations to the owners of these lunchboxes and their amazing families that pack them.  No rubbish to be seen.  

This is just a reminder that we are a rubbish free school.  If your child brings something in a packet, wrapping or bag they are expected to take it home to dispose of it.  

The Enviro Groups will be coming up with some cleaver ideas to share around reducing packets and plastic wrap that we will share going forward.  In the meantime these types of lunchboxes are available from the Warehouse, Supermarkets, Smiggle or have a search online.  

It is amazing how much money you can save and how much you can reduce your rubbish output.  

Weedons Way Enviro Group.