Hero photograph
Photo by Weedons School Office

Top Performer - Rata - Room 6

Weedons School Office —

This week's Top Performer comes from Rata Room 6 and is the fabulous Wyatt. (No relation to Mr Wyatt!)

Wyatt has been consistent throughout this year in the way he approaches his work and his relationships with others.

Wyatt shows some good work habits. He listens when you give him advice and tries hard with any task. He is someone who will give anything a go and can keep working at a task even if it is a bit tricky. He can work well independently and with others and will join in with some well thought out questions to ask others during news time.

Wyatt always has impeccable manners, with saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ on a regular basis. He treats everyone equally and shows great kindness and empathy towards others. He has been a great friend to the children in Room 6. He can often be seen outside racing around with his friends.

Wyatt readily lends a hand when asked to by teachers or children and can be relied upon to be a sensible and trustworthy member of Room 6.

Wyatt, you’ve had a fantastic year so far in Room 6 and thoroughly deserve to be our Top Performer!