Rob Naysmith — Oct 18, 2022

Welcome to Term 4. This year seems to be flying by! We have another action packed term of learning and activities planned. Please have a look at the calendar either in this newsletter or on the website and keep an eye on communications coming out so you are fully informed about what is coming up. If your child/ren are involved in music lessons or have people coming into school to work with them please let them know directly if your child will be away.

I had the privilege of attending a Weedons School Reunion Lunch at Melton Estate on Saturday with Kathy Bell. The lunch was for people who attended the school in the 1940's, 50's and 60's with a few from the 70's also in attendance. This event was organised by alumni after the cancellation of the 150th Jubilee. Hearing stories and the history of the school through first hand accounts confirmed the special community we live and work in. These stories and the history of the school and Weedons area are being captured in a book which will hopefully be available next year. 

Over the break we had the roof of Te Wharenui fixed and the ceiling re-plastered and painted. We are confident we will not have any further leaks! Thanks to Nathan Cook Builders for completing this work.

As we move into warmer weather and approach swimming season, please make sure that all uniform is clearly named so if anything goes missing it can make its way back to the right person.

Next week we have our Years 5&6 children going on camp and our Years 7&8 children embarking on Activity Days. I am sure they will have a fabulous time and I am looking forward to hearing all about it. 

In our last assembly for Term 3 we celebrated our Weedons Way recipients for the Term. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of them so will include them in next weeks newsletter.

Have a great week.

Rob Naysmith
