Hero photograph
Photo by Weedons School Office

Spring Fling Final Reminder

Weedons School Office —

Next Wednesday 16th November is Spring Fling. On this day the children spend the morning creating with flowers, and art and craft materials. From 12 o’clock onwards our annual Pet Day occurs.

Here is an outline of the organisation of Spring Fling 2022:

In Room 5, & 6 the children spend the morning creating the following:

  1. A sand saucer (covered with flowers) – bring your own saucer, flowers and foliage (sand provided).

  2. A decorated egg- an animal theme. Children need to bring a hard boiled egg and some props and/or decorations that include something for it to sit in.

  3. A vegetable creature that has come out of an egg- bring vegetables, peeler, knife, small chopping board and tooth picks etc.

In Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4 these are the categories:

  1. A sand saucer (covered with flowers) – bring your own saucer, flowers and foliage (sand provided).

  2. A decorated egg- an animal theme. Children need to bring a hard boiled egg and some props and/or decorations that include something for it to sit in.

  3. A miniature garden scene. Bring a container to hold the scene, lego/construction material as props, stones and other garden materials also.

N.B. Junior and Senior children are required to bring all their own materials, utensils and containers in a named plastic bag on the morning of Spring Fling. Please send saucers, not plastic plates, as these are too large to cover! Sand will be provided at school.

Pet Afternoon

The morning’s activities will be completed by 12 noon and children will have an early lunch. From this time onwards, children’s animals may be brought to school for the afternoon. Classrooms remain closed for judging but open later for everyone to view. Pet judging is carried out between 12pm and 2pm.

Also, during the course of the afternoon, there is bottle-feeding for those with lambs, (bottles should contain 300ml), an obstacle course for pets, and a grand parade and a sulky race between staff, parents and students!

In the event of rotten weather, the pet part is cancelled, but the morning’s activities continue as planned.