Hero photograph
Photo by Weedons School Office

November calendar raffle Fundraiser

Weedons School Office —

We still have a lot of funds outstanding for the calendars- thank you to those who have paid already! If remaining payments can please be made to the FOW account, 03-0767-0371245-00, as soon as possible for the 5/10 tickets your family was allocated to sell to help the school, that would be so helpful. If you are still selling that last of your tickets (draws don’t begin until next Tuesday for 1st Nov) that is fine too, but please pop the payment through this week to make accounting easier for our treasurer. Please ensure the office receive all the contact details of those you sold tickets to so they can be entered in the prize draw. ‘Slave for a Day’ (Mrs Fitzjohn) will be drawn at assembly by the FOW next week……..I wonder who the lucky winner will be?! Thank you so much for everyone’s support! The FOW’s are super excited to be able to help the school by paying for more extras for the children’s learning this term…..next up, swimming buses!