Jane Adcock — May 9, 2023

This term’s Top Performer from Harakeke R2 is Lachlan S. Lachlan is having a wonderful year as he builds on his efforts from last year and continues to go from strength to strength in all areas, including leadership.

Lachlan has really “owned” his learning this year, reflecting maturely not only on his strengths but also on the areas that he needs to focus on. When asked, he is always clear about the steps that he needs to take to continue to make progress.

Lachlan is extremely well organised, often keeping the rest of us on our toes! He has put himself forward for lots of responsibilities this year where he is showing excellent leadership, initiative and reliability.

With a particular passion for science and technology, Lachlan is a deep thinker who loves learning about the world around him. His excellent questions and responses consistently reflect his probing mind. Lachlan’s superpower, however, is problem solving and, with his scout training also providing lots of useful knowledge and skills, Lachlan thrives on a good challenge where he invariably comes up with solutions that are logical, carefully thought through and practical.

Whether it’s writing with a strong personal voice, creating artworks or designing a prototype, Lachlan puts his own stamp on everything he does so it is no surprise that his ultimate goal is to become an engineer and/or architect.

Congratulations, Lachlan! You have such a lot to offer and thoroughly deserve this award of Top Performer.