Hero photograph
Photo by Weedons School Office

Spring Fling Week 5

Emma Wright —

Information with a google from for pet registration has been emailed. Please ensure this has been filled out by the 31st October.

Info about Spring Fling from our last newsletter.

Wednesday 16th November is this year's Spring Fling event. This is a biannual event at Weedons School. Spring Fling is our annual Pet and Craft Day. For those of you who have not attended this event before the children spend the morning creating with flowers, and art and craft materials. Then from 12 o’clock onwards our annual Pet Day occurs. 

Judging of pets takes place from 12 to 1.30pm. All classrooms will be open from approximately 1.30pm onwards for children and parents to view the craft displays. Other afternoon activities include a pet obstacle course, grand parade, lamb bottle feeding race and sulky race. A more detailed notice including returning a slip with the pet that you wish to bring will be sent home in the first week of next term. If you have any further questions in the meantime please don't hesitate to email Mrs Wright at emmawright@weedons.school.nz.