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by Lucinda Lendrum

Support Kura Kai

WC - May 14, 2024

A group of Year 13 students are coordinating the collection of home-cooked meals for the well-deserving charity “Kura Kai" and need your support.

Kura Kai collects home cooked meals and provide them to schools across the country who then distribute the meals to students in need (as identified by school counsellors or teachers). There are currently 5 schools in the Wellington area which participate in the Kura Kai programme.

Kura Kai’s kaupapa (purpose) is “whānau cooking for whānau” and secondary schools have been chosen as their focus in recognition of how critical Secondary Education is to the future of our rangatahi and to teach our youth the value of caring for our community.

We would be really grateful if you and your son(s) are able to prepare meals (even one meal makes a great deal of difference) for the Year 13 collection. The meals will be collected on Sunday 9 June from WC (between 11am and 2pm) and the Otari Bush carpark (between 3pm and 4:30pm). Please provide food in foil containers (with cardboard lids), labelled with ingredients, the date cooked and the cook's initials (or name). If at all possible, please provide the food frozen so there are no transportation mishaps! Foil containers will be available at the school office from 23 May (or can be purchased at supermarkets or Moore Wilsons). Please contact Andrea Millar ( with any questions. Thanks in advance for you contributions – and for making a difference to teens in the Wellington region.