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At the COLLface - launching our new teaching and learning blog.

Dr Aaron Columbus —

Welcome to The COLLface! WC is an exciting place to be, as we strengthen classroom practices that are centred on consistency, high expectations and cultural responsiveness. This is our new blog, in which we share and showcase the Wellington College approach to teaching and learning.

Our key teaching and learning mission at Wellington College is to engage and prepare our ākonga through purposeful, deliberate, research-based teaching. Amidst national curriculum change and our own reflections about how to best provide an engaging, challenging, empowering, and preparatory learning experience, we have a raft of exciting initiatives and strategies underway. This blog site provides a vehicle by which to share this mahi with the world. We hope that the blog sparks conversation and connection.

This term, we look forward to sharing blog posts about our focused approach to rituals and routines at the start of the lesson, our professional journey with Mana ōrite mō te Mātauranga Māori, our new literacy strategy, and how we are using data to track student progress.

Future blogs will share the COLL Way approach to restorative practice in the classroom, our development of the new WC Progressions Framework (as part of our changes to the Year 11 learning programme), using teaching hacks to share teaching practice, and He Waka Taukaea - a collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington that is focused on equity of opportunity.

We look forward to this blog evolving over time and aspects of our teaching and learning journey being shared by the voice of our people at Wellington College.

If you have any questions about this blog, connect with its editor, Dr. Aaron Columbus (DP Teaching and Learning) - a.columbus@wc.school.nz

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive