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by Nikki Corbishley

The 3 'Ts'

Nikki Corbishley - October 10, 2022

We are on Time, we are Tidy with our uniform, and we are a Telling school.

We are on Time...
School starts at 8.50am every morning, except for Fridays where Years 10 - 13 start at 9.20am. Getting to school on time is the responsibility of all students and you will need to organise your mornings so that you are successful in this. Your regular bus might come late, so you should look into catching an earlier one or arrange another method of getting to school. 

For each lesson of the day, you need to make sure you get to class on time. Early arrival to class shows that you care about your academic success, that you can self manage, and that you are responsible. It also shows your level of respect for our school. 

We are Tidy with our uniform...
The way your wear your uniform sends many messages to those around you, but also to yourself. If you wear it tidily you are showing that you are ready to learn, that you feel a sense of belonging to the school, and you respect the traditions of our school. Remember that you also wear your uniform for those that came before you, 150 years of old boys who care deeply about the school and the success of the students within it. We honour them through representing the school proudly. 

  • Socks up
  • Shirts in
  • Tie with shirt

It's easy!

Image by: Nikki Corbishley

We are a Telling School...
Students shouldn't have secrets, not the kind that can cause harm. We all play a part in making Wellington College a safe school free from bullying (online and offline). If you know or suspect that someone might be being harmed (emotionally, spiritually, physically, or mentally) then you must tell someone. You can go to a staff member, or you can report it on our WC Bullying Free Helpline.

We also tell people when things are going well! If you feel that someone has done something really great, tell them. Share good news around the school. Tell your teacher that you enjoyed their lesson. Tell your coach that they have helped you improve. Help build a culture where we lift each other up!