Hero photograph
West Melton Country Fete
Photo by FoWMS

We need you!!


Are you able to help? We have a list of things that we need for the 2019 WMS Fete. From raffle prizes, seedlings, sponsorship and volunteers...


It’s almost time for Spring Cleaning!! Please put aside any items that might be useful for the Fete White elephant stall. We are looking for good quality clothing, homewares, small appliances and white goods, sports gear furniture and general household items. Please no Soft toys or books We will be collecting soon after Christmas.


If you have any fantastic raffle prizes you could offer the Fete we would love to hear from you. Please email marketing@westmeltonfete.co.nz and we will organise collection.


If you are planting out seedlings and have a few spare we would really appreciate any extras for the Fete plant stall, we have plenty of pots if required. Please contact info@westmeltonfete.co.nz


We are now on the look out for sponsors of the Fete. If you or your business can help out please contact sponsor@westmeltonfete.co.nz 


Don’t forget stall applications are open and we have had a fantastic response so far. If you or someone you know would like a stall please head to our website for more details www.westmeltonfete.co.nz


We are now on the look out for volunteers to help out prior to and on the day of the fete. If you can help please email volunteers@westmeltonfete.co.nz