Hero photograph
Photo by Laura Finn

Kāhui Ako Connect Week

Laura Finn —

Last week all the schools in our Kāhui Ako took part in Connect week. A week aimed at creating and building connections throughout our learning community. 

On Monday we connected at different schools depending on the year level we teach in. We were all given the opportunity to mix and mingle with other teachers to share ideas, challenges, successes and goals. 

Tuesday was a day focused on connections within our own kura where we shared a morning tea together and connected over some kōrero starters. 

Our big finale event was at Rolleston College on the Thursday afternoon where we competed in a range of challenges against other kura within the Kāhui Ako. We worked so well within our teams that we took out the winners trophy! 

We had such a busy week of connecting and we look forward to the next Connect week in term 2!