Hero photograph
Photo by Sylvia Fidow

Message from the Principal

Sylvia Fidow —

Last night we had two Year 7/8 teams performing in the Cantamath Competition at Horncastle Arena. In this photo you can see that Lucas Briggs, acting as the 'runner,' is sprinting off to hand his team's answer to the judges.

The competition requires children to solve problems collaboratively, competing against other schools. Well done to our competitors, Lucas Briggs, Jay Singh, Mase Harrison, Lexi Barrett [Y8] and James Jackways, Liam Malins, Stella Smith and Teagan Erasmus [Y7]. Here are two of the questions for you to have a go at:

There are 70 competitors in a running race. Of the 70 runners, 40 are male, half of the females are aged under 21, one third of the females are aged 21 - 40 and the rest of the females are older than 40.  What is the chance of a female aged 21 – 40 winning a spot prize? Give your answer as a fraction in its lowest terms.


An 18 month old baby weighs 11.75kg.  When she was born, she weighed 2.75kg. How much weight, on average, has she put on each month? Give your answer as a decimal.

We love being able to provide these additional opportunities for our learners. This morning Mrs Amanda Clarkson and Miss Katie Talbot took a small group of senior rugby enthusiasts along to meet the All Blacks. Tomorrow Mrs Megan Murray is running the successful annual ski trip to Porters Pass. As with all of these additional events learners must demonstrate the Kōwhai Rules at school to be able to attend and at times we have had to rule out participation for some learners. As part of our Positive Behaviour Plan we have very high expectations and while we know some learners require extra support to learn how to behave, we think it is important that we follow through with consequences as well.

This week saw the end of our winter hot chocolate and bikkies on a Wednesday! The children LOVE this weekly treat and we are very grateful to GROW, Jo Burnett, Carmen Walcott-Wood and all of the parents and whānau who helped each week. Good luck to the GROW team with their Ladies Night at Quartz Bar tomorrow night.

Ngā mihi nui
